Tuesday, June 17, 2008


The baby sweater is finished and needs a couple of snaps sewn on and it will be ready to wrap up and deliver (pun not intended but HA!)

Pattern: Baby’s First Tattoo
From: Stitch & Bitch Nation
Yarn: Numma Numma Baby Boo in Strawberry, Banana, Kiwi (LOVE IT!)
I didn't block it last night like I wanted to but I still love it.

I wanted a cardigan pattern for this baby sweater and I thought this one was cute and would lend itself to lots of other yarns.

Hat for Alex #1 for this month.

I used left over STR Heavyweight for this hat. I think the color was Lunasea, which is so pretty and striped so nicely on this hat. Two more to go for June!

Kiparoo Farms Crochet scarf/wrap

I got the pattern and the yarn when Shannon and I went to MD S&W last year (2007). The yarn isn’t from the Kiparoo Farm people because the cost would have been insane. So I found this yarn and fell in love with it (sorry, I forget who the vendor was). 14 months later I get the itch to crochet it. I pull everything out and realized that the pattern is so badly written that it made no sense after “Chain 36. sc next 2 rows”. I needed to put my thinking cap on and worked out what the pattern should be and ran with it. I think it came out great. The yarn is nice and drapey and I’d use it again in a heart beat.

What have you finished lately? Anything?


turtlegirl76 said...

One sock that I started AFTER last week's WiP post. Tomorrow won't have much progress to report. =( Ah well. The scarf is cute! And I love the little hat for alex!

Bezzie said...

You need to repost the baby sweater with the snaps--great idea!

And I dig that scarf--now time for the pineapple one?

Eryn said...

Goodness - they are all fabulous!

After working madly on baby stuff, I have nothing new finished - and too much on the needles :) Obviously a bad case of startitis!

Kim said...

LOVE your finished projects! Thanks for your comment on Numma Numma - it looks fabulous and comes in fantastic colors.