Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Thought of the Day…

Why do people think those testicles hanging off the back of trucks are funny? Why isn’t it considered indecent? Why is it accepted?

If I had a uterus hanging off the back of my car, it would that cause a riot.

(OK, I just saw there are people who want to have these dumb ass things banned. Count me in!)


Kim said...

I totally agree...ban them. Something inside makes me think we should order a psych evaluation for the people who actually tried to drive around with them on their vehicle to begin with.

Trillian42 said...

I generally assume that anyone who has them on his truck (because it's always a guy) doesn't actually have any of his own, so I opt for pitying him.

Yes, I hate them too.

Karen said...

Hm. I've never seen those before. I'll have to start looking at the back of trucks more carefully. I do agree they are stupid/moronic though.

Bezzie said...

I just kind of assume the person who hangs them on their truck is a dickhead. I guess kudos to them for being able to announce it to the driving world??