The cards were stacked against us from the beginning. IFT’s hubby is working longer hours because some of the staff at his work were laid off. So he works pretty much 6 days a week. IFT wasn’t able to commit because of his schedule and she wouldn’t have anyone to watch her boys for the day. Jen was on a business trip and wouldn’t be arriving till late Friday night, necessitating an all nighter. Bezzie would have had to bring both her boys, which she was willing to do. But 6 hours or more in a car with 4 ½ month old Moochie, who would be very cranky after a day being lugged around the fairgrounds had her hemming and hawing about going.
Then we discovered that we were both so wishy washy because of each other. Bezzie was going to go if I was going and I was going to go if she was going. It seemed it just wasn’t worth the knee pain and a potentially very cranky baby.
So this is why I'm not going. It isn’t, ya know, gross or anything, but it is VERY swollen and sad looking. I took this photo in the morning. I know. Awful!
I actually took this photo to send to my mom, but I know she would have cried when she saw it. I never want to make my mom cry.
I hope I didn’t make you squirm or anything.
Yeah no way would MD have worked this year. Me pushing you around in your office chair or pulling you around in a wagon or not...
Just think about how much better you'll feel after the birth of your new knee. And two to three months of materniknee leave. ;-)
lol "Materniknee leave". Heh. Rest easy, my friend.
We did miss you guys, but yeah, this just wasn't the year for you. Happily, there will be another MDSW next year. :)
Sending cooling vibes to that knee!!
Are you getting a new knee? Materniknee IS very funny.
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