Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Bonus Post!

I forgot my Fitness-a-long info in the last post!

Although I've not been very good about what I've been eating and drinking the past couple of weeks, I have been trying to stick to my plan. Being a stress eater and having the amount of stress I've been under lately has really put me to the test, which I kind of failed. No fast food has been eaten since I started, which is great and an accomplishment for me, but I did eat junk. Devil dogs. A couple pints of ice cream. Then this weekend with the family was pizza, Chinese, Italian buffet (for the 1st Communion party) and lots of alcohol. Not to mention cake and cookies. I'm back to the plan today and will try to be good when I get to the ball park tonight for the Somerset Patriot game. It's Little League night for us an my nephews and brother (he coaches both teams) will be marching in the pre-game parade. It's tradition.

Here are my numbers:

Hips: 57.5 - stayed the same as last time I measured
Waist: 44 - down 3/4 of an inch
Bust: 51 - went up an inch

The only measurement that keeps going in the right direction is my waist. The others need to fall in line. I do think I'll start adding my weight loss. I have my Cooter Rootin' this week and since I have a new doctor, I'm sure I'll be finding out how much I weigh (and promptly passing out), so I'll be able to get a baseline measurement. Now to get a scale that I can actually see the numbers on.

Yes, I will be entering the K.A.Y.E. monthly drawing. You should too!

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