Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Catching up

Sorry. I didn't mean to worry you. Jen called on Sunday and was worried because she hadn't heard from me but also because I didn't blog.

The Monday after MD S&W was the beginning of the Vortex of Suckage at work. It's preoccupied my time at the office and when not there I'm too exhausted to do anything but either stare at the TV or knit or crochet a little.

Then this past weekend my family was up from NC for DN#2's First Communion. I spend as much time as possible with them since I only get to see them a couple times a year.

So one big post - with a couple pictures for you.

MD S&W was wonderful. It was so much fun to surprise everyone with Bezzie's attendance. We'd been planning that for 6 weeks or so. You can read all about it in detail from Bezzie, Trillian42 and Turtlegirl. Go read their recaps if you haven't yet for the full story. Also, if you want to see a photo of Jen, Bezzie and I making our first purchase of the day (or at lease rifling through the yarn) go to Wendy's blog. This was well before 7AM, so I think that qualifies us as hardcore.

Ever since Jen and I went to our "practice" S&W fest (NJ S&W) a couple years ago, we've had this kind of running gag about Jen bringing home some Alpacas to raise in her yard. She's been teasing her hubby about it ever since. So this is for Jen's Hubby:

Jen has changed her mind and wants to raise anorga goats in the yard instead. Start pricing fencing. ;-)

I still hadn't finished the socks for my Mom for Mother's Day, but I did have a couple days to get the last sock knitted before they arrived last week. Here is the finished pair.

I've been working on the Lace Ribbon scarf as my lunch/purse knitting. It's much longer now than in the picture, but you get the idea.

I'm home from work today, working on the job hunt. I've had 3 head hunters call since Friday and I needed to get back to them. Doing that from the office is never a good idea, not to mention really hard to pull off. Besides, it's a gray cold day and I need a nap.

1 comment:

Bezzie said...

Hee hee! Look at the look on Jen's face!! Those were really cute goats though...

And the mom socks! Yay!

Don't worry, things will turn up at work--even if that means you give your two weeks notice!