What’s in my bag?
As I admitted on Bezzie’s blog, I’m one of those women who carry a purse and a big honking bag. It’s a sickness which has no cure. I’ll never be good in an apocalypse as you will see from the contents of my purse. My large tote/messenger bag has equally non useful items (a full set of colored pencils is an example. We can draw and color our way through the apocalypse!)
Onto the guts...
In the front compartment: Usually 2 pairs of sunglasses, but it looks like one didn't make it back into the pocket, Target gift card, Rx's from my doctor appointment last night, an old shopping list.
In the back compartment: Hands free blue tooth always falls off my ear thing (uncharged and never used), receipt, check to be cashed, money, change and directions to my nephew's football game last week.
In the main compartment we have my pink wallet, Vera Bradley eye glass case for my cheaters (2 pair, one are sunglasses), mineral veil compact, cell phones, work ID, pens, nail polish, receipts, business cards, another pair of cheaters, and a compact mirror.
The pink VB thingy contains lip stick, balm, pencil, gloss, and contact re-wetting drops.
In the inside back zipper compartment: More lipshit. Gloss, stick, balm, and stain. Long wearing, short wearing, sticky, not sticky, va-va-voom sexy and "just a hit of color" demure. The receipt for my pink chocolate phone is also in that pocket
I don't usually have 2 cell phones. They're in my bag because I finally gave up on the Chocolate phone and went back to my old Motorola. The rep I spoke with at my wireless provider told me it sounds like the phone is defective and I should take it back. This would be the second time I'd be getting a new phone in 4 months. I'll take it back, and get another of the same model, but I don't know if I'll reactivate it. I'm that unhappy with the damn thing.
And the only reason it's pink is because it was free when I renewed my wireless contract. Otherwise it would have been black. It's a really BAD color pink too. Maybe that's the problem with it.